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 *  Where talk is served up with a side order of thought.
 *  _____________________________________________________________
 *  _____________________________________________________________
 *  An audiocast with Klaatu, Deepgeek, and Lostnbronx, who
 *  pontificate, promulgate, and ruminate on topics that range
 *  from the tech world, to the real world, and far beyond.
 *  Information Underground is our place to discuss topics,
 *  ask questions, and very occasionally...come up with an
 *  answer or two.
 *  ________________________________________________
 *  This show is delivered in stunning SPEEX format!
 *  ________________________________________________
 *  RSS feedxml
 *  If you are here via Gopher, use this address for
 *  your podcatcher:
 *  http://gopher.info-underground.net:70/iu/rss-iu.xml
 *  ________________________________________________
 *  01-FringeReligiongopher-menu
 *  In this, the premier episode of "Information Underground," DeepGeek,
 *  Klaatu, and lostnbronx discuss "fringe religions." What are they? Are
 *  they real, or merely jokes?
 *  02-Pwnershipgopher-menu
 *  Klaatu talks about the concept of ownership, and then Deepgeek,
 *  Lostnbronx, and Klaatu discuss.
 *  03-Bollywoodgopher-menu
 *  In Episode 3 of "Information Underground", Deepgeek, Klaatu, and
 *  lostnbronx discuss the Bollywood phenomenon, and in so doing, get to the
 *  heart of what exactly "good movies" really are.
 *  04-Censorshipgopher-menu
 *  Episode 04 of information underground. The guys discuss censorship on
 *  the interweb, and how to avoid it. Hear a range of ideas from the
 *  mundane of mirroring through shell corporations in states with weird
 *  laws.
 *  05-Identitygopher-menu
 *  Deepgeek, Klaatu, and lostnbronx discuss the nature of online vs. real
 *  world identity. Who are we all, really, under our various screen names
 *  and avatars? Are we "us", or are we something else? For that matter,
 *  is there even a difference anymore?
 *  06-Trekgopher-menu
 *  Klaatu talks about Star Trek and what really makes it great, and then
 *  Lostnbronx, Deepgeek, and Klaatu discuss Trek and Science Fiction
 *  in general.
 *  07-ourOwnCloudgopher-menu
 *  In this episode, the Information Underground gang floats off on their own
 *  cloud, far away from the world. The End. (Or is it...?)
 *  08-Sex-Drugs-and-Rock-n-Rollgopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx
 *  look back at the flappers and speakeasies of the 1920s and 30s, and attempt
 *  to draw a line from the newly independent women of that era, up through the
 *  Playboy Bunnies of the 1950s, all the way to today. Are things better or
 *  worse? Is what we "know" about history really important? And do the Info-
 *  Underground boys have any clue what they're even talking about?
 *  09-Backwards-Capitalismgopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) The Info-Underground guys consider
 *  why capitalism does (or maybe doesn't) work, why people use it as a tool for
 *  a better life (or maybe don't), and what the source of ambition, commercial
 *  aspiration, and greed truly is (or maybe isn't).
 *  10-Local-Controlgopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx
 *  discuss communities, real and virtual, and get to the heart (or not) of
 *  the confluent issues surrounding modern confusion, apathy and despair with
 *  their leadership.
 *  11-Co-Op-Paradisegopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx
 *  discuss their long-running server co-operative, including the triumphs and
 *  challenges over the years, personal benefits, and why listeners might want
 *  to create such a thing themselves.
 *  12-State-of-Independencegopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Lostnbronx, and Klaatu
 *  talk about the state of independent art. Going it alone has always been
 *  difficult, but is it easier now to live the creative life, or is it only
 *  getting worse?
 *  13-21st-Century-Superstargopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Lostnbronx, and Klaatu
 *  talk about cultural iconography. In a fast-paced era of influencers and
 *  niche content, how much commonality do we still have? Are universal
 *  cultural touchstones even a requirement of civilization anymore?
 *  14-Working-Outgopher-menu
 *  (First presented on Hacker Public Radio.) Deepgeek, Lostnbronx, and Klaatu
 *  talk about exercise. We ain't gettin' any younger, that's for sure!
 *  _________________________________________________________
 *  Where else to find us:
 *  Klaatu (gopher)
 *  Klaatu (web) http://gnuworldorder.info/
 *  Deepgeekgopher-menu
 *  Scott's phlog, which is to say a gopher-based blog.
 *  Lostnbronx (gopher)gopher-menu
 *  My home on the smolweb.
 *  Lostnbronx (web) https://davidcollinsrivera.com/

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