--- title: Reflection: Preparing for the Future subtitle: "getting your content to publish itself" author: David date: 2019-01-21 12:00 hero_classes: text-light title-h1h2 overlay-dark-gradient hero-large parallax hero_image: round-clock-in-a-city-1600x800.jpg show_sidebar: true show_breadcrumbs: true show_pagination: true taxonomy: category: process tag: [meta, tip] ---
One of the cool things Klaatu has cooked up for us with this blog is a way to load it with content, to be published on set dates in the future. Now, lots of blogging software allows for that sort of functionality, but our situation is unusual; we use the version control system Git on the back end, and publish all our Mixed Signals articles from the command line.
Having the ability to ready blog posts to go out at a set date and time is the very height of convenience. For instance, Klaatu is currently traveling for work, yet he's able to publish great content without any worries or interruptions. My own system tends towards pushing out one or two posts manually when I get up. Tomorrow will find me away from home, but thanks to this system, I'm already set to post a pretty cool dungeon trap.
If you're doing something like a blog, I recommend finding a way to time-shift your work. You may not need to do it all the time, but it's a great way to ease your publishing obligations when the outside world demands your attention elsewhere.