--- title: Reflection: An Evening On Mumble subtitle: "rolling up a character for Starfinder" author: David date: 2019-01-20 09:30 publish_date: 2019-01-20 10:00 hero_classes: text-light title-h1h2 overlay-dark-gradient hero-large parallax hero_image: antique-mic-with-brown-background-1600x800.jpg show_sidebar: true show_breadcrumbs: true show_pagination: true taxonomy: category: process tag: [meta, starfinder] ---
Yesterday, Klaatu and I worked on rolling up a character for Starfinder. We recorded it for a future Hacker Public Radio episode, which he volunteered to edit. Klaatu was traveling that day, and we got ready to record once he got settled in his motel room. It was a comedy of errors at first, due to some severe port and traffic restrictions placed on the Internet access he was using, but he finally got on the HPR Mumble server, using his phone. It sounded great.
I was using my desktop machine, with a cheap headset & mic that I found in a pile of other equipment. I was happy for that, since the alternative was to set up one of my XLR microphones. I use those in the recording booth out in my shed, when putting together audio stories and such, but it's always a hassle to do in the house. I have no microphone stand for one thing; and there's silly software wrangling required for another. This headset didn't have a good mic, but whatever.
We recorded for over 2 1/2 hours, so there's a lot that will need to be trimmed. The process for rolling up a character in Starfinder was both frustrating and enlightening. There seems to be a lot of redundancy in the rules, but over all, I like what this descendant system to the venerable AD&D I knew and loved has evolved into.
It was a challenging, but very fun evening; I look forward to hearing it on HPR, and I hope you will, too. We'll post a link when it's finally up over there.