= The Tran'lo tribute :doctype: article Seth Kenlon 2025-01-23 == Introduction This is a short wargame adventure set in the Macharian Sector from the **Imperium Maledictum** RPG source book by Cubicle 7. Although I use the Macharian Sector as the setting, these scenarios are meant for a wargame, not an RPG. Between each scenario, your army can gather reinforcements and upgrades as defined in the https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-40000[Crusade rules]. There may also be faction-specific boosts available in your army's codex. Terrain types and enemy factions are flexible. Adapt everything here for what you and your friends own. As a way of making each battlefield feel unique, I recommend adding environmental hazards and other surprises. A Game Master is not necessary, but consider notes to the Game Master in this document when setting up your game. Designate one army as the Hero Army. This campaign is the story of the Hero Army, so it's the one army that's constant throughout every scenario. The opposing army changes based on the scenario. The Hero Army may not always win, but the campaign does not end until the final scenario. If you don't own one of the suggested opponent armies, you can always substitute an army you do own. == Scenario 000 You have arrived on the planet Tran'lo in the Macharian Sector to recover or destroy technology rumoured to be secreted away by the infractionist Vo family. The planet Tran'lo was originally ruled by House Vo. When the family was declared Hereticus Absetia, the Adeptus Mechanicum moved in to retrieve archeotech rumoured to be stored on the fallen world. Whether out of spite or heresy, the Vo Family destroyed most of the archeotech and abandoned the planet. However, the adepts of Cult Mechanicum are certain that not all archeotech was lost, and so they press on, converting cities into forges in the name of the Omnissiah and siezing whatever archeotech they find. The Vo Family may be offworld now, but their influence remains strong on Tran'lo, especially in Hive City Alpha. When your team arrives, they find the streets filled with Traitor Guardsmen, a renegade Armiger Helverin, and several Drones controlled remotely by Vo gunners. Can you reach the door to the subterranean compound, or are you destined to fall to Vo loyalists? NOTE: Designate one door on the battlefield as the entryway to the subterranean base. The Hero Army deploys on the opposite end of the battlefield. * Terrain: City * Mission: Locate and enter the subterranean base * Opponent: Traitor guardsmen, Negavolt Cultists, Drones, Armiger Warglaive * Success: You reach the tunnels * Failure: Your infantry is captured and imprisoned in the underground family compound == Scenario 001 Either by force of will or by imprisonment, you have reached the subterranean compound of Hive City One on the planet Tran'lo. The loyal followers of Vo don't know why you have deployed your troops to their planet. They assume you intend to take over Hive City Alpha. They don't know that your actual goal is to retrieve archeotech from the Vo family vault. However, the loyalists are not themselves aware of the archeotech, and are resisting your army only because, to them, you are an invader. NOTE: If the Hero Army lost the previous scenario, you can recruit additional units to play in this one. Reinforcements from the Hero Army have infiltrated the compound and have liberated whatever survivors there were from the previous scenario. However, this has triggered an alarm and the opposing army is on high alert. A small band of your army's infantry must get through the tunnels to the Vo family's fabled hoard of archeotech. * Terrain: Boarding Actions * Mission: Locate the entry to the archeotech vault * Opponent: Adeptus Arbites or Astra Militarum * Success: Locate the storage facility containing the archeotech * Failure: Skip Scenario 002 and go directly to Scenario 003 == Scenario 002 You have invaded the storage facility of archeotech. Collect what you can find, and then get to the exit. NOTE: Designate a door on the battlefield as the exit. Place archeotech markers around the battlefield. When the Hero Army reaches an archeotech marker, roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6, archeotech is found. The Hero Army unit possessing archeotech must reach the exit to succeed. * Terrain: Industrial * Mission: Collect the archeotech * Opponent: Genestealer Cult, Rogue Psykers, Patriarch * Success: Get archeotech and then reach the exit * Failure: Your army perishes in the vaults! The campaign ends here. == Scenario 003 Escape the planet! The Vo family has called out for aid, and a force of evil has answered. In response, your own ship has already commenced air strikes. Get to the extraction point. NOTE: Place several extraction point marker across the battlefield. When the Hero Army reaches an extraction point marker, roll 1d6. Only on a roll of 5 or 6 is the extraction point valid. When valid extraction point is found, the unit at the marker departs the battlefield, and the nearest enemy unit suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds. Remove the marker. When only 1 marker remains, it is always a valid marker. * Terrain: Ruined city * Mission: Reach the extraction point * Opponent: Chaos Space Marines or traitor Astra Militarum * Success: Extraction EOF