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Gopher: lostnblog

 *  =======================
 *  lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom
 *  ============================================================
 *  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike Unported License 3.0
 *  ============================================================
 *  The Latest and Greatest (kinda-sorta)
 *  NEWER STUFFgopher-menu
 *  =====================================
 *  The Ratty, Old, and Worn Out
 *  OLDER ENTRIESgopher-menu
 *  =====================================
 *  LnB Homegopher-menu
 *  My home on the smolweb.
 *  Information Undergroundgopher-menu
 *  Where talk is served up with a side order of thought.
 *  =====================================
 *  Why Does This Site Look Like Crap?!plain
 *  =====================================
 *  lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom

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