SNUBBED Yesterday I finished my script for "Palaver" Episode #2. Now I need to record it. That may have to be done in fits and starts, which is not my preference at all, but there might not be time otherwise. Seems like it might morph into a busy least until the afternoon, and I might be exhausted by then. The afternoons are becoming a real problem for me, as I get dizzy and tired around early afternoon almost daily. Strange. I'd suspect blood sugar or something, except that it's so reliably timed. Maybe I'm just getting old, and need to take naps; most days, I just need a siesta of a half-hour or so, but other days, much more. Anyway, I'm borrowing trouble right now. It's still morning, and the day has yet to start. I'm enjoying a cup of truly horrendous coffee, so that ought to tell you how serious I am about getting my day started. And if I can choke that down, maybe I can wrap my head around Sorry, shitty segue there. Anyway, is a FOSS answer to Facebook, with community-run policies and management. Seems interesting to me. Supposedly it can do much of what Facebook can do, communication-wise. I didn't see any provision for games and such, but that seems minor. It might not be so for others, perhaps, but if someone is so motivated by the concept of FOSS that they are interested in trying this sort of thing, they might not be so stuck on the whole gaming issue anyway. Anyway, I signed up for an account last night, but I never got an activation email, which, as I recall from their site, ought to have only taken a few minutes. I suspect it has something to do with them wanting my "real" name to be associated with the account. See, if that's the case, then they suck, because it wasn't stated anywhere on the site that that's a requirement. I dunno. Maybe they're just activating these manually as a shield against spambots. If I don't hear anything from them in a day or so, I'll write and inquire. Maybe I did seem like a spammer when I signed up, and got the bum's rush accordingly. I don't have too much motivation for wanting an account right now, besides curiosity, but even that's worth a little effort. They have a very small user base at the moment, the majority of which seems to be centered in Chile, where the project started. There's almost no purpose for me to have the damn thing, truth be told, but again, I'm curious. I've never had a Facebook or Myspace account, so I don't really understand what people get out of such things. This might be a low-impact way of my finding out. Or not. We'll see if I can even get an account. Maybe I'm destined to spend my days down the gopher hole. But that's okay. I can live with that.