INDECISION Today (well, yesterday now -- it's after midnight as I write this) I finished up Episode 010 of "Palaver". It's a bit surprising that I ever got to ten episodes, but I guess that's not much in the scheme of things. For me, though, it's pretty good. Anyway, one of the more important personal things about this episode is that I partially edited it in Ardour. That's also no big deal when you're looking at the big picture, but it's an important first step for me, since I've been trying to make the transition to this audio recording/editing app for some time. I've found the learning curve to be intimidating, to say the least, as Ardour is a professional-grade audio solution, and I'm anything but professional. I certainly don't need it for a simple audiocast like "Palaver", but I will for my audio dramas. Audacity just can't cut the mustard on projects with a lot of tracks -- when I get up to ten or more, it gets crashy and lose-y of my data-y. I'm not shy about starting small and simple in order to make any start at all. I'm telling you, I've been TRYING to get into this application for months. The barrier to entry here is mighty high. Finally, though, after a bunch of online tutorials, I was able to make a start -- only the barest understanding of this amazing tool (suite of tools?), perhaps, but I can only get better from here. So, all I did was mix in the music track of this episode with Ardour, but edited the voice track with Audacity, as is my usual. Editing the voice track in Ardour requires a level of understanding I don't yet possess, so it's a hybrid system for now. Gotta walk before you run. Anyway, that went fairly well, and I was able to publish it today (yesterday), leaving me with exactly no new projects to tackle beyond "Eddie K". That is to say, I have no distractions from the writing problems of that show, and I can (and now need to) focus on them. I'm at a loss, though. The current script I'm working on is going no where. Although there's some good stuff in it, I need to do a major re-write. That's not so bad, but I don't know what direction to go in. Honestly, I'm tempted to shelve this script entirely, and start on another one, completely distinct from it. Actually, the more I think about it, the more that seems like the right idea, I can pick the good bits out and use them in something else, or just let the whole thing ripen a bit before coming back to it. Okay, command decision: a new script concept gets put together tomorrow (today, whatever). This'll be Episode 04, as 03 is already written, and I hope to record it this coming weekend. There now, see? That wasn't so bad. Back on track. Mind like a laser beam! Passion for the project! Man of action! I just wanna finish my coffee... Monday, July 11, 2011 (c) 2011 lostnbronx CC BY-SA 3.0 lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom