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Gopher: misc-crapola

 *  lnb's Audio Diarygopher-menu
 *  Off-the-cuff thoughts about mostly nothing. SPEEX FORMAT ONLY.
 *  Hacker Public Radiogopher-menu
 *  Some of my HPR scripts
 *  Information Undergroundgopher-menu
 *  My scripts for the show I did with Deepgeek and Klaatu
 *  Open Culturegopher-menu
 *  A manifesto of sorts
 *  ==========
 *  Homegopher-menu
 *  My home on the smolweb.
 *  Why Does This Site Look Like Crap?!plain
 *  ==========
 *  lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom
 *  CC BY-SA 3.0

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