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Gopher: lnbs-audio-diary

 *  Speex format only
 *  Newer Stuffgopher-menu
 *  The latest updates -- thoughts, dreams, and complaints
 *  Older Stuffgopher-menu
 *  Previous years are in tar files (grab and go)
 *  And just how do you listen to Speex files, you ask?
 *  Well, I recommend VLC, an Open Source video/audio
 *  application that can play almost any file you throw
 *  at it. It's free of charge, available for nearly
 *  every platform out there, and used by millions of
 *  people around the world every day.
 *  Web link
 *  Get VLC
 *  ==========
 *  Homegopher-menu
 *  My home on the smolweb.
 *  Why Does This Site Look Like Crap?!plain
 *  ==========
 *  lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom
 *  CC BY-SA 3.0

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