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Gopher: photos-and-videos

 *  We didn't stop this time around to get a shot of the infamous Cow Bar
 *  sign, but here's an old photo we took on a previous occasion (it hasn't
 *  changed a bit).
 *  The Cow Barjpeg
 *  This water wheel was a relic in the state park we went to; it didn't
 *  work, but it otherwise looked like it was in good repair.
 *  An Old Water Wheeljpeg
 *  Here is Cathedral Rock, and surrounding scenery.
 *  Cathedral Rock (far shot)jpeg
 *  Here it is, a bit closer.
 *  Cathedral Rock (close up)jpeg
 *  I didn't see these things myself, as I stayed behind with Little Bronx,
 *  but Mrs. Bronx went ahead to see these things at the foot of Cathedral
 *  Rock. Apparently people feel the "energies" and are moved to make these
 *  little rock sculpture/piles.
 *  Stone Pilesjpeg
 *  I guess some of these things were pretty elaborate, but most of them
 *  were like this.
 *  A close up of onejpeg
 *  We didn't actually eat out here -- this was more like an outdoor waiting
 *  area. I wouldn't have minded it, though, as it was rather nice.
 *  Judi's Restaurantjpeg
 *  A View of the State Parkogg
 *  The Riverogg
 *  Even More Cathedral Rockogg
 *  The Reason Everybody Comes To Sedonaogg

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