(written on) Thu Jan 21 10:19:56 MST 2010 It's one rainy shit-ass day. Snowy-slush-freezing rain. Mrs. Bronx has to, maybe, run out to work later; so we might have to brave it all, but the judgement call is mine, depending on road conditions. I'm a conservative driver, so we might be going nowhere. So, I'm stalled on the kernel compiles for my ancient Pentium II machine running Squeeze: after trials and heartaches, I suceeded in doing a Debian compilation, not once, but twice, in an attempt to get it to recognize my Yamaha YMF-740C sound card. Now, I know this card is supposedly supported as a module in the current kernel, but I'll be danged if I can enable it, and compiling it directly into the kernel doesn't seem to help either. I'd be tempted to believe that it's well-and-truly shit the bed, old as it is, except that it runs just fine under Puppy and DSL. So what's the problem...? This failure bleeds over into a larger goal I have; namely, turning this 350MHz 6GB fossil into an X-less desktop machine, capable of all the things I'd like a modern desktop to be capable of...fully provided and understood that I pick up some new skills. See, I don't mind the work involved in learning CLI commands. And I realize that certain classes of software will simply be out of reach here, but I'm quite convinced I can do recording, editing, and the mixing of audio on such a system. If the sound card were working. ********** Nethack-n-slash Now, last night, my 4th Level Sorceror made it down to Dungeon Level 3, and encountered some stiff opposition in the form of a couple of gehkos who were way tougher than your average pet store breed. Bastards. Actually, it was an homonculous that brought me down to just a few points. So I sequestered myself in a dead end corridor, and tried to rest a while to heal up. I mean, I had a healing spell, and all, but my Power Level was low. So, like the newbie-loser I am, I just laid on the "." button -- you know, I just sort of held it down -- to speed things up, kind of. It was only natural, right? It was 12:00am, and I just wanted to move things along. And, boy, did I, because the ":" character popped out of effin' nowhere, zoomed across the screen, and proceeded to bite my ass until there wasn't any left (and that's a lot of biting). "What the fuck! C'mon...!" (And similar such.) Now, it was late, I had to get up early, and I was genuinely bleary-eyed. I had an eye-strain related headache, a similary-caused neckache, and an over all level of frustration with the game that made the idea of dropping it forever seem oh-so-sexy. So, what could I do? Create a new character, and keep playing, of course. I went with a samurai next; I figured I'd whip out some of that zanshin mojo on the next salamander that looked sideways at me. Kick me some amphibian ass. No more human chew toy! And, drolleries aside, it was a good choice. I just about jogged through Dungeon Level 1, only dropping a blessed +0 Japanese arrow into my dog, Slinker, by mistake. Serves him right, though. A Samurai has his duty, which doesn't include putting up with an inconvenient pooch who can't even seem to put the bite on the baddies when it counts the most. I didn't kill him, anyway. (Which kind of makes you lose faith in those holy arrows -- I mean, it's like **THONK!**YIPE-YIPE-YIPE!*** yet he's still going strong, getting under my feet, blocking the way, slowing me down. I have to find some better weaponry -- then test it out on the dog.) Well, Dungeon Level 2 had its own surprises, with a general store hidden behind a secret door that I had to try about a dozen times to find. I go in, and the merchant guy gives me that fake greeting they all have, and welcomes me to his store; you know, like he's all smiles and shit, 'cause he's just soooooooo glad to see me. Asshole, business might be better if people could find the fuckin' way in! So, there I am, and the place is packed. First thing I come to is a big wooden chest for sale, and I go over and check it out. Only the freakin' thing bites me! It's a mimic! And not just any mimic, but a really pissed off mimic that's rolling hot! And I'm just missing left and right -- you know, just cooling this gotdamn thing off with the breeze from my katana, while it's chewing me up like a wad of Stickly's. Finally, I get a few hits on it, and the thing drops, leaving behind its carcus and a potion. So, you know, that was a shitty surprise, but whatever...hail the conquoring hero, and all that. So I gather up the carcus and the potion, and Mickey Merchant over there pipes up with, "Ah, a fine choice, my friend! For you, only a bajillion gold!" or whatever it was. Say WHAT?! I just got jumped by a piece of this sonofabitch's stock; I do him the fuckin' favor of whacking it before it did the same to HIM; and he wants to CHARGE me for the cleanup?! Maybe I should polish his brass balls for him while I'm at it! Seriously! The guy's operating some kinda high end boutique in a deadly dungeon, behind a secret friggin' door, as if he's catering to the luxury tourist trade. (Actually, since one of the character classes you can run in this game IS a Tourist, maybe that's exactly what this was.) Either way, I put everything back -- I'm not buying shit from this guy. In fact, now I want a PIECE of this guy, but you know how it is in these games -- the merchants are tougher than they look to keep you from doing the old snicker-snack on 'em and stocking up the easy way. Plus, I was down half my points from the mimic fight. PLUS, as a samurai, I'm Lawfully aligned, so there's probably dire consequenses for pissing off my god. I was sure tempted though, lemme tell ya. Anyway, I haven't got any food, and this guy was charging, like, 220 gold for some meat, when I'm only walking around with 68, so I'm outta there. I take two steps down the hall, and now a goblin jumps me. Son-of-a-bitch. Well, I'm still rolling as hot as a snowman's ass, so this little creep actually gets a few hits on me before I'm able to put him down. Well, in this game, you have the option of eating a goblin corpse if you want to. I didn't want to, but seeing as how I was wandering around without any grub, and you HAVE to eat from time to time or you get weak and die, I did what I had to do. Only it turned out to be tainted nasty meat that made me sick -- hey! here's a few more points off for you. So I used my patented method that had worked out so well before with my last character, namely, I sat in a safe spot and hit "." until I was healed up. More slowly this time, though. And this time, I was only accosted once, by a gnome zombie, but he didn't last long. The damn dog set off an arrow trap, too, while I was waiting, but didn't get hit. Finally, after a while I was healed up, but I was hungry again. So, swallowing my pride -- and for its size, you'd think it would be more filling -- I headed back to the boutique. I took a while to really look around, and this time found a carrot (15 gold -- a regular bargain) and a can of tuna or something (40 gold -- melts in your mouth, I bet). Then I left again before anything jumped off a shelf again and attacked. Earlier, I'd scoped-out a set of stairs down to a really dark place. In this game, normally, as soon as you can reasonably see something -- say, a big room as you are entering -- it gets drawn on the screen and stays there. But this place was REALLY dark, and I could only see a small way in front of me. Everything was drawn as I approached, then faded into the darkness behind as I walked away from it. The effect was startlingly simple, yet quite impressive, and it made me nervous to walk around almost blind. Especially when devious gnomes and dwarves started chucking knives at me from the shadows. Shit! Then they started coming at me from everywhere for a little up-close-and-personal action. They could see ME just fine, after all. But, suddenly, I was on fire, baby! The ol' katana was finally making an effort, and those little bastards were just bouncing off the flagstones, I was dropping 'em so fast. I must have run into something like twenty of them. Okay, maybe fifteen. Ten? Alright, four or five -- but one of them was TOUGH. He was the Gnome Lord, and had on some iron shoes that gave him a good Armor Class. But not good enough -- no, no. Soon the shoes were mine. I'd taken a lot of damage down there for sure by this time, but at least I'd done and gotten something for it. I retreated upstairs again, to hide in my corner with my dog, like the violent hobo I guess this game requires you to be, and I healed up. Much earlier, I'd run into an orc with a dorky helmet that had, nonetheless, added to his Armor rating. (Not enough to help him, either, heh-heh.) So now, with my samurai armor, orc helmet, and big iron shoes, I was ready for trouble! I then made my way down to the next level via another route, and found myself in a completely different level than the anklebiter kingdom. And this one had the lights on! All told, I made it to Dungeon Level 3, as a 5th Level Samurai, and called it quits for the night.