"PALAVER" EPISODE ONE IS NOW OUT (ooo, can you hold your water?) Just a quick note here for any and all who care: I started my own audiocast, called "Palaver", and it is now available for download here: gopher://gopher.info-underground/1/lostnbronx/palaver/001-small-towns/ There are shining OGG, and cute little SPEEX formats to choose from, as well as the script for the episode, should you be a masochist. If, for whatever mysterious reason, anybody wants a FLAC version, such a thing can be arranged. Gimme a scribble and we'll hook you up: lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom. Why my own show? Well, I just think it's about time. What's the focus? Not sure yet, though it won't be especially techie. Nerdy, maybe. Bizarre, possibly. Boring, likely. As the download address above implies, this particular episode is about my take on small towns and the small town mentality. I must confess that I am somewhat critical of them, though not wholly/completely. In fact, big fan of urban living that I am, I surprised myself with a more balanced conclusion than I anticipated. Anyone familiar with my "Hacker Public Radio" episodes will find that "Palaver" follows a similar structure. Audio quality is NOT where I want it to be just yet, but it's listenable. Even the SPEEX file. If you happen to stumble on to the show and have an opinion to share, good or bad, feel free to drop me a line at that Gmail address.