A WHOLE NEW DAY ALL OVER OVER AGAIN So we spent the last week on vaycay, and drove home yesterday. I'm preparing an Extra Special Episode of "Palaver" on all that, but it's going to take time, as I have over a gigabyte of audio to plow through (most of it's crap, so I'll be panning for gold), as well as some video and still photos. Not sure if I should put the video and photos into the RSS feed, or just mention them on the show, and people who are interested can go look for them. On the one hand, people who are looking for audio-only would be pissed to have different files show up; on the other hand, the visual stuff will also be a part of the episode, so if a listener signed up to get the show, they ought to get the friggin' show. I'll probably tar.gz the different materials together on the gophersite so that people who prefer direct downloads (like me) can grab it all in one go, but I'll have them there separately too, 'cause I'm a thoughtful soul. And speaking of downloading from a gophersite, over the course of the week, I was on my wife's machine, and I ended up at: gopher://mirror.lug.udel.edu/1 Now, if you haven't been there, you'll find it to be a kinda-sorta gopherized version of Distrowatch.org, acting as a mirror for a large number of Linux distros, and other FOSS projects. And it's updated regularly with all the newest stuff. Very cool, right? Well, it WOULD be, if the damn thing worked. I hadn't been on a system so slow and crummy since we left home to go on vacation (my net connection at home being woeful). I tried several times, but it kept stuttering and timing out and freezing up. I'll bet they allocated half a MB of memory or something for the gopher server. Hello?! When you have a rich load of content, lots of people are going to want to use it! Sure gopher machines can get by with less RAM than their http equivalents (or so the legend goes), but you STILL have to allocate enough to cover your expected traffic. I mean, I'm no starry-eyed gopherite here: I know that the "gophernet" is bleak at best, with a truly huge number of dead, undeveloped, and outdated links. It's for this reason that it pisses me off to no end when people who ought to know better treat it like the red-headed step-child of networked computing. It would be the PERFECT delivery system for these larger files, if it was only given the resources it requires. Oh, I'm sure their system works great for serving up text, but I wasn't there for text. No one will be going there for text. If your gopher server is going to be serving up big files, then, for cryin' out loud, give it the RAM and TLC it needs. Even gopher can't make resources appear out of thin air. Piss me off... .