GOT THE RED-EYE BLUES I should get up off my butt and actually DO something today, but I'm tired. I haven't slept since coming back from Sedona. Because of the insomnia, I've been watching the old "Incredible Hulk" series on DVD at night (it hasn't held up too well over time, truth be told, though Bixby's work is simply marvelous -- he could and should have been one of the greats, and still been active today, but cancer cut him down in '93). On the one hand, I get to watch a program I grew up with and loved, one I haven't seen at all, except for the odd episode here and there, since it went off the air nearly thirty years ago; on the other hand, it's bad, see, 'cause I'm not sleeping. That leaves me all dragged out the next day, and very short on patience. I'm also not exactly productive or "present" as it were, for Little Bronx, who is homeschooled, and thus, is at home WITH me. I think I might need prescription meds. Over-the-counter sleep aides work well for a couple of hours, but then wake me up around 01:00 or 02:00am and leave me jumpy. Alcohol works okay in moderation, like a single drink, just before bed. That's always been the traditional place of the hot-toddie, anyway, but that kind of beverage requires too much work right at bedtime, I think, and is too sweet. A single shot of rum or vodka works better for me. Yet, either I don't seem to think of it at night, or don't have any hooch in the house when I do. I can put words on the screen right now, but can't even tell if they're worth reading. In a way, if they're worth writing, it doesn't matter. It's something to keep the mind at a low kindle. It's better than nothing. The only project of value I've worked on today is Little Bronx's Halloween costume. I've got to focus on that more than anything else right now, since time is growing short. It's this way every year, with the last-minute crunch increasing exponentially, so I'm not overly concerned. He's going as a dinosaur skeleton this time around, complete with articulated jaw, arms, legs, and (if I can manage it) tail. I ought to go make some coffee. I have chicken in the solar oven, so that needs to get shifted to follow the sun right about now. I dunno. If I don't make it through to tomorrow, remember me to Broadway.