IN THE STUDIO I've had this long-term project going on for some time now -- over twenty-five years, in fact, and it's finally reaching a conclusion of some sort. I'm recording an audio drama right now that I first wrote back in the early eighties. This is not the sole iteration, as it began life as a short story. Then I wrote a stage adaptation of it, and now, finally, a dramatic audio production. Each version required it's own structure and script form, and I'm thinking this version is the tightest and most enjoyable of them all. It's also the last one I ever intend to do. Over the first few years, I showed the short story to a number of people. No one ever seemed to "get" it, or, if they did, they simply didn't like it. Fair enough. Certainly no publisher ever took an interest, despite several attempts on my part. Again, that's just fine. Later on, I showed the stage play version to others, with much the same reaction, save for one or two folks who seemed somewhat impressed. I would have tried to launch even a modest production of it myself, but there were technical challenges involved that I simply wasn't able to overcome, or didn't feel I could (money being one of them). Ah, well...back on the shelf with it. Flash forward a decade or two, and I'm an audiocaster. The Interwebbygophernets are now available for me to distribute my work through, and I've gained the bare minimum skills needed to do an audio version of the story in a manner that I can more-or-less feel okay about. In other words, I can finally produce and publish it myself. If it finds a moderate audience, that'd be great. If not, that'd be great too. I will have released it for general consumption at long last (with delicious Creative Commons goodness, no less), and that strikes me as a fine place to let it rest. Be on the lookout, gentle reader, for news about "Blue Heaven" in the coming months (I'm shooting for the end of January, but you know how that goes). (c) 2010 lostnbronx lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom CC BY SA v.3