WHY DOES FRIDAY SEEM LIKE MONDAY? After a brief email conversation with a certain podiobook author I admire (this, in direct response to my queries about the publishing and marketing of my own audio fiction efforts), I was advised as an early step to join the Podiobooks.com community, and learn all I can from the accumulated experience there. Now, I'm not a joiner by nature. Like a lot of writers, I guess, I'm more comfortable producing words, than I am at the exchange of them. But that's just fear a-whispering, and I don't have a clue as to why it still chases me, even though I'm all these years removed from my youthful phobias. Anyway, since I have an audio fiction title of my own to release soon, I, naturally, sought out venues and interested parties. It's not been an easy search. It soon became apparent that the idea of an hour-long one-shot audio drama is something of a stranger in the crowd. There are very few places that seem even interested. People like their series, and have only so many hours in the day for things that fall outside of an acknowledged area of interest or affection. I can understand that -- really I can, though, personally, I'm much less embracing of the serialized fiction format, simply because there are so many OTHER items of media vying for my attention that often I'm reluctant to get swept up in that sort of commitment. Again, if my circumstances were different, I'd certainly think differently, but as it stands, I'm not a prime audio fiction consumer. Funny that, since I'm such a fan of both OTR and modern radio drama. You know where it stems from, this reluctance of mine? I'm just realizing it now...it's the nature of the RSS feed. I just can't abide the idea of having podiobooks, or pod, ogg, speex, and/or other types of 'casts being automatically fetched for me. I'd get buried almost immediately, because my listening habits are of the feast-or-famine sort. Now, I know that a decent podcatcher could just get the notices of the new content, and then wait for my say-so on the fetching of it (hello gPodder), and really this is the direction I almost certainly will have to go in soon or later, but, being the creature of bad habit that I am, this is a slow change to warm up to. Like a lot of folks, my consumption is a direct reflection of my listening patterns. And since I don't seem to have any, I'm looking at a slow trickle instead of a fire hose. That's okay anyway: I'm not dying of thirst. Not yet. Though I think that will change. I feel it in my bones. January 21, 2011 (c) 2011 lostnbronx CC BY SA 3.0